About This Location
AA Insurance Center Inc provides registration services for Montana Capital Car Title Loans customers. The store is located at 1560 E La Habra Blvd, near the intersection with N Fonda S. If you live in La Habra and in need of registration services, stop by AA Insurance Center Inc that works with Montana Capital Car Title Loans in La Habra. AA Insurance Center Inc provides our clients with unmatched customer service. Montana Capital Car Title Loans does not issue loans at this location.
La Habra – Home to the Hass Avocado Mother Tree
For sure the locals know that La Habra is home of the Hass avocado, but it’s possible that others do not know this interesting fact. But actually, it’s quite a claim to fame. In the 1920s a man named Rudolph Hass, who was a postman but liked to experiment with plants in his spare time. The truth is that no one knows exactly what the cultivar for this breed of avocados came from, because he collected seeds from anyplace that he could, including restaurant dumpsters. But the fact is that he did plant seeds in La Habra and when one of the trees bore fruit, it was a flavor that people liked. The Hass avocado became popular the world over and in 1935 Hass patented his tree, which had never been done before. Hass avocados bring in more than $1 billion in revenues annually.
Cash in La Habra
Whoa, that’s some story about the postman and his avocados. He really struck it rich, but not everyone in La Habra is that fortunate. If you live in La Habra but are hurting for money, why not consider a car title loan from Montana Capital Car Title Loans in La Habra? They are perfect for providing just the right amount of cash to use for paying off old bills so that you can get up and go again. If you could use any amount from $500 and up, send in your title loan application now!
Cash Loans for Cars
At Montana Capital Car Title Loans in La Habra, we give quick loans based on the car’s value. So if you have a car with value, let us evaluate it! If the value is enough, you can pay back the loan and you met credit criteria, go ahead and send in your online application. If your credit status is poor, you can still apply. We use only the value of your car to secure the loan, so the car is still yours to keep.
Pre-Approval for Cash Loans
You can be pre-approved for a title loan from Montana Capital Car Title Loans in La Habra even while you are still at home in your jammies. Send in your request so we can determine if you qualify. If you do, then we’ll put our name on your car title, give you cash and you’re good to go!